You can sign up to receive our monthly newsletter by email below. The newsletter is always posted here on our website and on our Facebook page. It may take a few moments to load.

Please join our Dollar a Month Club for $12 a year. These donations contribute to our local funding, which helps especially with expenses not covered by our grants. We ask that you contribute to the Dollar a Month Club especially if you want to receive the newsletter by mail. There is a Dollar a Month Club form inside the newsletter to fill out to start or renew your subscription.

Recently, we started printing in color. Doesn’t it make such a big difference? We hope that you will enjoy what we have written and chosen to include. Let us know what you think and if you have any suggestions. We love to include any information or resources that would be helpful for our patrons. We also try to include other Shoshoni community events. Please help us to find this information.

We try to get the menu approved by the dietician, put everything together, and print out newsletters within a week of the end of each month in order to have it in the mail for you to receive it by the first of each month. This doesn’t always happen, especially if we are waiting on some of the information, but we try our best! We appreciate those who come to the Senior Center often enough to pickup their newsletter in person. This saves on postage expenses, and we love seeing you! We also appreciate those who access this information digitally.

Sign up to receive the monthly newsletter by email: